Why Swastikasana Is Special ?

Janurvor antare samyak krtva padatale ubhe |
Rjukayah samasinah svastikam tat prachakshate ||
– (Hatha pradipika -1/19).

Placing both soles of the feet on the inner side of the thighs, sitting equipoised with a straight body. This is called swastikasana. 


For many people in the industrialized world, sitting on a piece of furniture is the body position in which they spend most of their waking hours. In yoga practice, the hip, pelvic joints, and lower spine develop a new relationship with the earth when one bears weight directly on them in swastikasana.

The left foot is placed against the opposite inner thigh with the back of the heel to the right side of the genitals. The medial malleolus should be just to the right of the midline of the body. The lateral malleolus rest on the floor on the opposite side of the ankle. Though this is a steady sitting position, it affects the whole body. Prana Shakti is directed in a particular manner suitable for meditation. The nadis at the back of the legs are stimulated. The exact points of stimulation can be found by pressing along the acupuncture meridian. These nadis carry energy to the centers in the spinal column and the energy is distributed from here. The sciatic nerve is gently massaged in this posture, which influences the lumbar region. The abdominal muscles are also influenced and the inner body temperature is affected. The symbol of the swastika represents fertility, creativity, and auspiciousness. Thus, this asana induces the same capacity in the body.

This is a meditative posture which stretches the hips and the thighs. The asana balances the lower body alignment, as the right-knee and left knee come on the top, alternatively. This is a great posture to induce calmness and meditativeness.

The auspicious pose is the easiest pose because the feet cross one another in the midline of the body and end up in a natural and stable position planted against the opposite thighs. The adductors and pubofemoral ligaments are not stretched excessively, and the knees and hip joints are not placed under intense torque. Swastikasana helps to develop hip flexibility and to acclimate to torques and pressures on the ankles.


Benefits of Swastikasana:

  • Meditation pose: Swatikasana is a good meditation pose. Especially for people who find it difficult to sit in, more classical poses like Padmasana and Siddhasana.
  • Stretches the lower body: The hamstrings and glutes are stretches. This is a great stretch for runners.
  • Spinal alignment: The spine is stretched which strengthens the back.
  • Optimal organ functioning: As the torso is stretched, all the organs have the optimal place to function efficiently.
  • Stimulates calmness: As our eyes are focused on the Trikuti (third eyes), calmness and clarity are induced.


  1. http://total-yoga.org/know-asana-swastikasana/
  2. Anatomy of Hatha Yoga: A Manual for Students, Teachers, and Practitioners By David Coulter
  3. Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Bihar School of Yoga, Munger