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So far liveadmin has created 17 blog entries.

Simple Holistic Health Routine

2019-11-19T12:54:50+00:00Health & Wellbeing, Holistic health, Life Style, Yoga|

Simple Healthy Routine समदोषःसमाग्निश्चसमधातुमलःक्रियाः। प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनःस्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥ - Sushrut Samhita, Sutrasthan, Ch. 15, Shloka 10 A person is assumed to be healthy only if there is a perfect balance in his doshas, agni, dhatu and mala. Along with this, blissful condition of soul (atma), satisfied senses (indriyan) and a happy state of mind (manas) is called a swasthya or healthy person. For

सरल स्वस्थ दिनचर्या

2019-11-03T15:19:32+00:00Health & Wellbeing, Holistic health, Life Style|

सरल स्वस्थ दिनचर्या समदोषःसमाग्निश्चसमधातुमलःक्रियाः। प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनःस्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥ - (सुश्रुत संहिता सूत्रस्थान १५/१०)  जिस व्यक्ति के तीनो दोष (वात ,पीत्त ,कफ) , शरीर की अग्नियाँ (जठराग्नि आदि ), मल सम अवस्था में रहते हैं और मन आत्मा और इंद्रियाँ जिसके प्रसन्न अवस्था में होते हैं वह व्यक्ति ही पूर्ण स्वस्थ कहलाएगा।   स्वास्थ्य की इस पूर्णता के लिए आवश्यक है कि हमारी जीवनचर्या

4 KEYS To Be Healthy WITHOUT Medicines

2019-11-19T12:59:37+00:00Health & Wellbeing, Holistic health, Life Style, Yoga|

4 KEYS To Be Healthy WITHOUT Medicines ।। जीवेम शरदः शतम् ।। Jivem sharada shatam.  Every living organism enjoys their total span of life. They hardly encounter any disease or die before their actual life span until and unless they encounter an accident. It is the humans who fell sick and die underage. This is due to the unhealthy lifestyle

  • Holistic Drug : Amla

Holistic Drug: Amla

2019-11-19T13:21:06+00:00Holistic Drug, Holistic health, Life Style|

Amla is the most common holistic drug used and known today. Most of us have used it in one or the other way. Amla is the most nutritional fruit and a very strong antioxidant. It is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E and fiber. It is used both as a dietary supplements and medicines applied on body. Most commonly also

  • Sheetali Pranayama

Beat The SUMMER With Sheetali Pranayama

2019-11-19T13:18:09+00:00Holistic health, Pranayama, Yoga|

जिह्वया वायुमाकृष्य पूर्ववत्कुम्भसाधानम् |                       शनकैर्घ्राणरंध्राभ्यां रेचयेत् पवनं सुधी: || (H.P.: 2/57) The air should be drawn in using the tongue (by curling it from both sides to make a pipe) and then practice kumbhaka as before. The wise (sadhaka) should then exhale slowly through the nostrils. (H.P.: 2/57). This is called

  • King Of All Exercise Systems: Yogasana

King Of All Exercise Systems: Yogasana

2019-11-19T13:01:45+00:00Health & Wellbeing, Holistic health, Yoga|

“Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow.” – Swami Satyananda Saraswati   The inner personality doesn’t exist without the support of the physical body. Thus, asana is an important part of yoga. It provides stability and increases