Simple Holistic Health Routine

2019-11-19T12:54:50+00:00Health & Wellbeing, Holistic health, Life Style, Yoga|

Simple Healthy Routine समदोषःसमाग्निश्चसमधातुमलःक्रियाः। प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनःस्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥ - Sushrut Samhita, Sutrasthan, Ch. 15, Shloka 10 A person is assumed to be healthy only if there is a perfect balance in his doshas, agni, dhatu and mala. Along with this, blissful condition of soul (atma), satisfied senses (indriyan) and a happy state of mind (manas) is called a swasthya or healthy person. For

  • Sheetali Pranayama

Beat The SUMMER With Sheetali Pranayama

2019-11-19T13:18:09+00:00Holistic health, Pranayama, Yoga|

जिह्वया वायुमाकृष्य पूर्ववत्कुम्भसाधानम् |                       शनकैर्घ्राणरंध्राभ्यां रेचयेत् पवनं सुधी: || (H.P.: 2/57) The air should be drawn in using the tongue (by curling it from both sides to make a pipe) and then practice kumbhaka as before. The wise (sadhaka) should then exhale slowly through the nostrils. (H.P.: 2/57). This is called